Swiftly approaching the 1 year mark of officially making the switch to MAC and the list of apps that i can't live without has grown a little…well ok it has grown a lot.
Previously i mentioned 7ZIP. Good program, I found a better one, on that i use at least two or three times a day.

Another great app that has quickly found its way into my heart, not to mention a firm planting onto my dock, APPZAPPER has been one of the most instrumental apps in keeping my compy clean and fresh. Fire up the app and drop what you want deleted onto the window, click zap and all the associated files for that item are sent to the trash bin. then just empty the trash. Easy as that!! Nuff said, here is the link for more information http://appzapper.com/ Stay tuned for more great apps and "STUFF" to make life on a mac AWESOME!!
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