Sunday, November 25, 2012

Is there still a market for in-dash car radios?

With all the technology that we have available to us, I am left wondering why we still use some of the older technology. For example, in dash car radios.  It is completely possible to eliminate some of the out of date items that we use on a day to day basis.  There are many people that have completely ditched their car radios for Ipads, or ipad minis.  This is the direction that should be taken, however there is one caveat to this approach, no terrestrial radio on these devices.  The only device that has been afforded the ability of fm radio is the Ipod nano, but the Ipad nano is not logical for use as the infotainment system in your car.  Another possibility is the Iphone.  it is possible to connect your IOS device to your car radio but that is just a temporary fix to the overall problem of lack of forward motion.  The problem isn't that the world is not ready for it, most people have ditched their landlines for cellphone only house phones.  In my house we do not have a landline.  It doesn't make sense to pay for a device and service that is only used occasionally when we already pay for a solution that we have with us all the time already.  The problem is the companies that produce these devices. Now, dont get me wrong, I understand the reason for being in business is to make money but at what cost?  I believe that the world is ready to ditch the in car radio for a simpler version, like their smart phones.   WHat do you think??

Monday, April 9, 2012

Facebook buys instagram?

So Facebook is going to buy instagram, there are many people on both sides of the fence on this one. Lots of people are excited for the merger because ....well honestly I'm still trying to figure it out. Personally I only used instagram once, and I didn't see the appeal. To me it was just another photo social app. Now Facebook is getting a hold of instagram, is Facebook going the way of MySpace? Is it time to ditch Facebook and make the move to google+? As I did when I made the move to Facebook? With all the privacy concerns that Facebook had gathered over the years. It might be time to move to something a little more fresh. Leave your comments believe check out my YouTube hdemarzo

Friday, March 16, 2012

Release day!!! For the iPad?

Today apple released the iPad. You may be asking yourself, didn't they already do that? Well yes they did, but this is the new iPad , not the iPad three, post down below if you got one or if you have had hands on time with it. Which leaves the question, was the new iPad amazing enough for you to upgrade? Or will you be getting the iPad 2 because the price is better or were you waiting for the third version to come out to get one?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hacking attacks and the future...

In the past six months or so there have been an increasing number of organizations and websites that have gotten hacked.  The most recent being Microsoft, who according to reports, did not have the passwords of the users encrypted.  If major corporations are getting hacked, what hope is there for the rest of us?  The frequency of these attacks seem to be getting shorter and shorter.  Not to be cliche` but if you have ever seen the last Die Hard movie, there seems to be a lot of parallels.  What if all these attacks are leading up to something bigger?  How can we protect ourselves?  Most major technology sector companies have released some form of a cloud storage system.  Does this not seem like a really bad place to keep ALL of our sensitive data.  The Macbook Air is an amazing step in computing technology, but where does all of you data get stored?  In most cases, the answer is "In the cloud".  Are the days of large hard drives, and locally stored data behind us?  If this is the path that will take us into the future, What are companies like Apple and Microsoft doing to stay a step ahead of the penetration attacks?  Leave your thoughts below.  Until Next time, keep it real!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

at&t raising their upgrade fees?

So when your contract with at&t expires this year, and you want to get the shiny new phones that are the hot, shiny new item, expect to pay a little more for the "new Hottness".  How much more?  try double on for size.  That's right they raised the upgrade fee from $18 to $36.  They apparently make more money when you keep the same phone.  So when the Iphone 5 comes out later this year, are you going to pay the extra bucks for the increased fee, or are you going to wait until the price of the phone comes down, to offset the price of the the upgrade fee.  Something else to keep in the back of your mind, how are the cell phone makers going to respond to the climbing rates that the providers are charging.  How will you respond??   leave your comments, and concerns below, and let us know what you think.  until next time, keep it real!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Brand new shiny news

A lot has happened recently in the tech world, I thought I would take this chance to tell you about it. So I have been a Mac user for a little over a year, but during my time as a windows user I had a collection of tools that I relied upon to keep my compy healthy and happy. When I made the switch, I had to let go of many of these tools. There is a saying, if you love something let it go and it might come back to you. One of them did, the other day the makers of ccleaner released a version of the compy cleaning software that I had loved while on windows, for my Mac. Be sure to give it a go. If you google ccleaner you are sure to find it.

If you have a Mac you are most likely familiar with the software update button. Apple rolled out the update wagon yesterday with OS X 10.7.3. Of you are hoping for amazingness, you might be dissapointed, however there are some good updates for iMacs, and a bunch of security updates for the populous. Be ready for a sizable download tho. Even though it wasn't the shiny ball of amazing that apple is famous for, I would still do the update, it's always good to keep current with your updates!

Until next time, keep it real!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The future of Apple...

Everyone wants the latest technology. It's a statement that is very easily the most basic truths. But what about, the technology that isn't out yet? You know what I'm talking about. Thoughts and ideas that are just doodles, and notes on a legal pad on someone's desk. The kind of stuff that you see in the movies, like the Minority Report. If you head over to, they have an article series titled "Mac|Life rethinks Apple". Here they talk about ideas and concepts that are super cool, and not that far-fetched. Actually it would be very easy for apple to produce these items. For example, today's article is about car radios. How awesome would it be to have an apple headunit in your car. Gps, iTunes, and everything else right in your dash. I wonder if apple is listening? Until next time, keep it real!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Desktop iPhone dock update(build finished)

The first official build that the Tech Cruiser has attempted, has come to a close. So as expected, an update is due. I talked a little about the finished product briefly on the YouTube channel , so let's talk more about it here. Overall it came out ok, I'm not as pleased as I had hoped. When I applied the coat of paint I forgot a vital step of painting, clean the surface, so there was some residual oils left on it. When I painted it it took on more of a rough "steam punk" kind of feel. It performs very well however, the phone slides on and off with ease, it feels solid, and has not come apart yet after about two weeks of usage. The next one will be made out of an old alarm clock. Not that I have a basic foundation, it should turn out better. Until next time, keep it real!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Airlines gone phishing?

American airlines has been serving people for many years, providing reliable transportation service to all kinds of locations. They are now warning people that there is are false emails going around posing as the airline and requesting information from customers. Be warned this is a scam, american airlines has issued a warning not to give them any information. As a tip, never give any information out unless you know for sure it is who you are trying contact, or you contact them first. Until next time, keep it real!